Project Brief
De Bradelei Stores Ltd required a new Electronic Point of Sale system (EPOS) to replace the existing MS-DOS based system they were currently running. The new system should be fully Windows based and provide the following essential functions:
- Offer support for multiple stores
- Use standard off the shelf hardware
- Provide an easy to use intuitive interface to ease implementation and staff adoption
- Allow for internet based communications between stores
- Deal with stock, reordering, stock control, inter-store transfers in a single application
- Offer an intuitive and flexible reporting and analysis options
- Allow for the product to be extended to support 3rd concessionary sales
- Be provided by a manufacturer who will be around in years to come
- Ideally, the product should have an active marketplace for additional components and complementary solutions from multiple vendors.
Solution Implemented
After an extensive search, we chose Microsoft Retail Management System (RMS). Once the decision was made and the system purchased, training courses were booked, attended and we then set about planning the initial implementation. The roll out consisted of the following:
- ADSL and VPN connections between stores and head office
- Data migration of approximately 60,000 products from the existing system
- Design of department and category hierarchy
- End user training on Head Office functions
- End user training on Store Manager functions
- Train the trainer training on the point of Sale functions
- Creation of the 1st store (De Bradelei Belper)
- Creation of the initial Head Office database
- Rollout to other stores
- Hardware and software build/setup
Over a two and a half week period, we worked side by side with senior staff from De Bradelei to roll out the solution to all four stores connecting each one back to head office before moving on.
In November 2006 a new store (Lutterworth) was added into the solution bringing the number to five locations and some 28 registers/lanes.
Since the initial implementation, we have developed several modules to provide additional MIS and reporting information both at the initial point of sale and at headquarters using Microsoft Reporting Services.
Services Provided
Data Conversion
Database Design
Management Reporting
Project Management
Technologies Used
Microsoft .Net Framework
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Reporting Services
Microsoft Retail (RMS)
Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft Visual Basic .Net
Microsoft Visual Studio
Web Service