Project Brief
With the recent changes to how local authorities on the Isle of Man must report to the Department of Local Government and Environment (DOLGE) a clear need for a comprehensive software solution was identified by Braddan Parish Commissioners. The system needs to meet the following key objectives:
- Waiting list support against standardised DOLGE Pointing criteria
- Meet the DOLGE Annual and Quarterly Reporting Requirements
Everything together in one place - Ease of use - the system needs to assist users in keeping on top of tasks, jobs, etc.
- Flexible integrated reporting
- Integrated auditing for all the key actions - detailing the who, what and when
- Job allocation, tracking, tenant satisfaction, etc.
- Ability to track Contractor performance
- Security - must allow for different user roles/groups, allowing access to parts of the system only to authorised users
The system in addition to the main features above should enable users to make notes, maintain standing data, optionally add pictures (for jobs, tenants, waiting list applicants, properties) and provide warnings to contractors about properties (location of bulk storage tanks, overhead power, etc.).
Solution Implemented
The system is based on a SQL Server database and built as a multiple document interface (MDI) application using Visual Basic .Net. All screens have been made with a keen eye for ease of use with a consistent Office look and feel implemented throughout.
The system is divided into five main areas of functionality which link together seamlessly to provide the solution. The areas are:
Waiting Lists & Applicants
- Supports multiple lists
- Applicants recorded and allocated Points (using the DOLGE issued criteria)
- Automatic position/index calculation
- Integrate reports - Waiting list & Applicant detail
- Offers processes - electronic transfer of Applicant to Tenant
- Recording of Appointments
- Notes facility
- Audit
- Picture / Image Support
Tenant Management
- Records tenant against property
- Full tenant history
- Records tenant actions (ASBO's, ABC's Rent, Arrears etc.)
- Tenant reports
- Recording of Appointments
- Notes facility
- Audit
- Picture / Image Support
Property Management
- Records base Property details (address, area, property type etc.)
- Links to tenant
- Integrated Job History
- Recording of Appointments
- Contractors warnings
- Property reports
- Notes facility
- Audit
- Picture / Image Support
Job Management
- Job allocation/tracking (dates and prices)
- Provision for Health & Safety Assessments
- Contractor Assignment (allows for direct assignment or quotes/tenders)
- Follow up / Tenant Satisfaction recording
- Integrated Job Sheets
- Recording of Appointments
- Notes facility
- Audit
- Picture / Image Support
- Contractor warnings
Contractor Management
- Record base contractor information
- Job History
- Contractor Performance Metrics
- Notes facility
- Audit
In addition to the above features, we have also created a System Summary page that pulls together all key information in one place. This page which automatically refreshes provides the user with everything they need to keep on top of all the system activity to ensure job are completed on time and problems are spotted quickly before they escalate.
Services Provided
Database Design
Hands On Training
Management Reporting
Microsoft Office Integration
Analysis and System Design
Setup and Distribution Kit
Website Design
Website Implementation
Technologies Used
Crystal Reports
Custom Controls and Libraries
Microsoft ASP .Net
Microsoft Office Automation
Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft Visual Basic .Net
Microsoft Visual Studio
Microsoft Word
Web Service