Looking to engage on a consultancy basis? We can offer a broad range of IT related advisory services.
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Our team have provided consulting services and carried out many temporary engagements on a consultancy basis.
As every business is unique, one size does not fit all when it comes to systems and re-engineering business solutions. Our team can help you find that perfect fit between investing in technology and achieving measurable results to maximise your return on investment.
We’re also not big fans of technology for technologies sake, but show us a repetitive task or a dated procedure, and you can be sure we can help tweak, rework and optimise it.
For organisations that meet the requirements we are also able to work via the Isle of Man Governments “Business Improvement Scheme”. This scheme can provide funding of up to 50% for qualifying projects.
Our Approach

Our Practice
We believe consultancy is much more than knowing a particular subject; it's about delivering quality informed advice in a manner that is relevant to a client's business and presented in a form that the customer can understand and make informed decisions on.
It's also crucial to us that all our consultants know the boundaries of their knowledge. It's far better to say "I'm sorry that is outside my field of expertise, but I can recommend X who knows this area very well" than to struggle or bluff your way through.
All too often we have heard of consultants that have overstepped the boundaries of their expertise to the detriment of the client. As such we have turned away a lot of consulting engagements that are not a good fit for the client or us.
To us providing consultancy services is as much about trust as anything else!

Key Areas
We are currently able to provide consulting services in the following key areas:
- Microsoft CRM Design and Implementation
- Systems Integration
- Business Process Re-engineering
- Database Optimisation, Sizing and Capacity Planning
- Microsoft Office Automation / Workflow with a particular emphasis on document generation
- Software Development for small teams
- Requirements Analysis & Specification Preparation
- Procurement projects (where complex IT form part of the brief)
The Business Improvement Scheme
The Business Improvement Scheme (BIS) provides funding for businesses looking to complete a business improvement project.
You can apply to the scheme here
The applicant business must:
- Be registered or incorporated on the Isle of Man
- Employ workers resident on the Island for Income Tax purposes
- Have no government debts (NI/Tax/VAT etc)
Please note: grants are not retrospective

The Business Improvement Scheme encompasses the following disciplines:
- Business Advisory Service
- Digital Marketing/Social Media
- Environmental efficiency
- Information communication technology/information systems
- Intellectual Property Protection Support
- Legal Advice Concerning External Investment in Businesses
- Legislation
- Marketing
- Quality Accreditation's
- Transnational Websites

- Grant of 50% towards the cost of improvement projects in a wide range of business areas
- Maximum level of assistance of £5,000 per project
- The scheme not only provides financial assistance, but enables businesses to engage with a range of technical consultants to deliver the business improvement project
- Includes a Business Advisory Service, fully funded by the Department
Completed Projects
Parish Lapis System - Guernsey
Project Brief:
The States of Guernsey Government completely changed the basis of government property taxation within the Bailiwick of Guernsey.
Our Solution
Custom Share Register
Project Brief:
Provide a multi-fund solution that will enable the existing Excel based solutions to be retired and streamline the production of client, agent and fund documentation.
Our SolutionAccess Accounts Time Recording System
Project Brief:
Build a simple to use time recording system that is intuitive to use and manage on a day to day basis.
Our Solution